Lo que surgió de forma casual parece haberse convertido en una serie de entradas que guardan cierta similitud en cuanto a enfoque e intención. En 2007, escribí una entrada bajo el título Blogs, ¿para qué os quiero? en la que daba cuenta de los usos educativos que había descubierto hasta la fecha. Tiempo después, me atreví con Podcast, ¿para qué os quiero? (en proceso de revisión y mejora). Hoy me centro en los glogs (murales web o láminas) realizados con Glogster.
Gracias a las comunicaciones de algunos ponentes (las chicas de Atocha), los glogs acapararon el interés de la blogosfera en el IV Encuentro de Edublogs09, celebrado en Getxo. Agunos blogfesores no tardaron en realizar sus propias producciones. A partir de sus probatinas, el abanico de aplicaciones didácticas se ha ido ampliando y ha dejado de ser una lista de posibilidades teóricas para convertirse en una guía práctica. Mi inevitable tendencia al orden me ha llevado a recopilar algunos ejemplos (mayoritariamente de Lengua) y a comprobar con qué fin estos blogfesores han usado los glogs o pósteres multimedia.
Servir de material de apoyo a una exposición oral. Experiencias del IV Encuentro de Edublogs:
Desarrollar la identidad profesional | Red solidaria | Reciclatocha | Bretagne09 | Nous parlons a Atocha | Divulgando la Ciencia
Este uso está estrechamente relacionado con este otro: Presentar el resultado de un trabajo o investigación.
Desarrollar la identidad profesional | Red solidaria | Reciclatocha | Bretagne09 | Nous parlons a Atocha | Divulgando la Ciencia
Este uso está estrechamente relacionado con este otro: Presentar el resultado de un trabajo o investigación.
Ofrecer recursos sobre un tema (personalidades, épocas, acontecimientos...).
Plantear una actividad.
Realizar hojas poéticas.
Promocionar un blog, un libro, una película…
Tres tizas (tarjeta de presentación)
Reunir textos a modo de antología.
Resumir un evento o un viaje.
Cuaderno amarillo (tarjeta de agradecimiento) | Verano09
Difundir un manifiesto
Aturem la guerra (catalán)
Difundir un manifiesto
Aturem la guerra (catalán)
Mostrar otros glogs.
Metaglog (Blogge@ando)
Esta entrada es una forma de pasar a limpio mis notas sobre los ejemplos que he localizado en mis pesquisas blogueras, pero sé que éstos no agotan el filón de los carteles multimedia. Y, como sucede tantas veces con las clasificaciones, los tipos no son puros, sino que se pueden combinar entre ellos.
Si conocéis algunos más, ya sabéis...
Si conocéis algunos más, ya sabéis...
Enlaces relacionados:
Videotutorial | El balcón abierto | Glogster y Carteles y murales on line | Educación Física (tutorial para los alumnos) | Glogster (catalán) | Butlertech (en inglés)
¿Cómo hacer un póster científico?
Actualización 27/01/11
Murales virtuales:
Se vende. Descripciones con valor connotativo | Nuestros nombres | Ticcionario
¿Cómo hacer un póster científico?
Actualización 27/01/11
Murales virtuales:
Se vende. Descripciones con valor connotativo | Nuestros nombres | Ticcionario
Actualización 08/02/11
Muchas gracias, Lu, por el esfuerzo de reunir una magnífica recopilación de usos que le hemos ido dando al Glogster desde que lo descubrimos en Getxo. Sigue siendo, como vemos, una herramienta, -una chuche 2.0- versátil, atractivisima y muy potente. En breve, tendremos aquí y en otros foros una noticia que nos hará felices a los amigos de los glogs y de la poesía. Ahhhhhhh....cada vez falta menos...
ResponderEliminarYo también agradezco esos "apuntes limpios" enormemente: estoy en fase de trastear con Glogster y es muy inspirador. Un abrazo.
ResponderEliminarMuchas gracias. No conocía esta herramienta y me ha parecido muy interesante. He estado visitando los enlaces que nos presentas y ya me he apuntado "mis deberes": espero aprender a usar esto enseguida.
ResponderEliminarAdemás, me viene perfecto para una actividad que pretendía hacer con los alumnos de 2º...
Estupenda recopilación. Cómo me gusta esta herramienta
ResponderEliminarGracias, Lu, con un post como éste se anima uno a probar. Incorporaré el enlace al wiki que estoy preparando sobre la Web 2.0
ResponderEliminarGracias, Lu, como siempre, muy útil. Tenerte a ti como organizadora es una suerte para los desastres como yo. Sólo querría indicarte que el último glogs de antologías, más que de microrrelatos es de relatos, algunos de los textos recopilados son bastante largos.
ResponderEliminarNos veremos, aunque sea virtualmente, en Córdoba.
Por cierto, la palabra que tengo que verificar para enviar el comentario "hodorica" es enormemente sugerente, ¿recuerdas tu entrada, tan divertida, en la que proponias atribuir significados a estas palabrejas?
Gracias, Lu, por la clasificación de usos. ¿Has encontrado en tu búsqueda y recopilación a alguien que hable de la posibilidad del glog apaisado?
ResponderEliminar¿Te puedes creer que todavía no he probado los glogs? Tu entrada se convierte en esa vocecilla que me anima a ponerme en marcha.
ResponderEliminarA los que no la habéis probado...Engancha. Cuidado que engancha.
ResponderEliminarElisa, haciendo caso de tu comentario, he introducido la modificación. Lo que no entiendo es cómo se cuelan comentarios spam. Me cago en goo...
Carlos, no he visto ningún glogster en apaisado. Habrá que investigar.
En fin, como dice Marcos, atentos que se prepara una.
Enredando en la página de Glogster he descubierto que tienen un espacio especial para glogsters educativos: http://edu.glogster.com/
ResponderEliminarPor lo que he podido traducir de algunas páginas en inglés que explican su funcionamiento, la ventaja respecto al glogster estándar es que te permite crear hasta 200 cuentas para tus alumnos, proteger la privacidad de sus trabajos y controlar el contenido que utilizan.
Referencia: http://www.brighthub.com/education/k-12/articles/57951.aspx
Lu, estoy viendo trabajos fantásticos. No sabía que se podía hacer esto, pero menudo trabajo, ¿no? ¿Seré capaz de hacer algo parecido? No sé, voy a ver cómo empiezo.
ResponderEliminarGracias. Un beso.
Interesantísimo, Lourdes. Al saco con la propuesta, la ordenación y los recursos.
ResponderEliminarMuchas gracias por el recopilatorio Lu, este tipo de post es de lo más inspirador :-)
ResponderEliminarun besote
Cuando se habla de Gloster nos ponemos muy contentas porque (con toda humildad) nos sentimos un poco madres de su expansión en la blogosfera. En Mayo junto con Marije Uranga la presentamos en Getxolinguae, y luego en julio en Aulablog, Marije hizo una comunicación sobre ella y nosotras la incluimos en un taller. A partir de entonces, florecen los glogs.
ResponderEliminarComo nos parece una herramienta fantástica, estamos encantadas con su difusión porque su utilidad en las aulas es evidente. Es una herramienta funcional, con significatividad, comunicativa y además atractiva. ¿Hay quién dé más?
Pues nada, atentos a la cuenta atrás y gracias por la recopilación.
Las nosotras de la entrada anterior somos Blogge@ndo.
ResponderEliminarConocí Glogster por tu blog y luego lo he visto en todas partes, como suele ocurrir. Gracias por tu trabajo de recopilación y difusión de herramientas (algunas por aquí y otras por tu Mister Wong)
ResponderEliminarComo casi siempre, no tenía ni idea de esto de los glogs y de Glogster. Me ha parecido muy interesante, gracias en parte a tu presentación y sus posibles usos.
ResponderEliminar¡Muchas gracias!
Es genial ver todas las cosas que se pueden hacer con los Glogster, además a los alumnos les encantan y lo dominan a la primera (estoy iniciando la experiencia con ellos, todo un éxito!!!!).
ResponderEliminarMerci Lu.
No lo he experimentado con alumnos pero el planteamiento es interesante y seguro que les capta su atención. Tomo nota del post y de los comentarios que completan la información. La cuestión más interesante son los enlaces, pero echo de menos que el glog sea más grande, más versátil, que ocupe toda la pantalla del ordenador y que dé lugar a enlazar más información. Tengo la impresión de que es demasiado esquemático y sencillo. Habrá que probarlo.
ResponderEliminarSilvia, efectivamente, Glogster tiene la versión educativa. En el videotutorial que hay enlazado en la entrada, se explica cómo usarlo con grupos de alumnos.
ResponderEliminarYolanda, no tengas temor. Si nosotros nos hemos atrevido, tú también puedes (you can).
Yalocín, gracias por vuestras aportaciones. Nos abrieron camino.
Blogge@ando, es cierto que en Getxolinguae se dio el pistoletazo de salida de esta herramienta. Sois pioneras y eso merece que se diga.
Marina Gude, sería maravilloso que nos pasaras los enlaces de los trabajos y así pudiéramos compartirlos.
Joselu, tienes razón en comentar que tiene limitaciones, pero su sencillez es una ventaja para los alumnos y su estética está muy cerca de los gustos de los alumnos. Incluso diría que empieza a imperar el estilo Glogster. Y si no, mirad la página Leer
Juliiii, eduideas y Eduardo, espero que los enlaces sean útiles y fuente de inspiración de nuevos ejemplos.
Molt bona troballa Lu, m'anirà de perles.. no ho coneixia, moltes gràcies!
ResponderEliminarTambién soy de las que enredan con Glogster. Un ejemplo fue en el primer trimestre. Los alumnos de 3º de la ESO leyeron "El camino", se hicieron fotos y elaboraron reseñas, y para reflejar esta experiencia creamos el poster.
ResponderEliminarPD. Para borrar los mensajes de spam, aparece un icono de un cubo de basura, pulsa en él (dos veces para borrarlo definitivamente),
Un feliz 2010
Me parece una herramienta fantástica, aunque todavía no la he probado. Y esta entrada tan completa es una joya que hay que guardar. Besos
ResponderEliminarAnna, segur que en treuràs molt de profit.
ResponderEliminarCarmen, gracias por facilitar el ejemplo. Me parece una buena idea, plasmar la experiencia de una lectura.
Carlota también ha realizado un glog sobre Kafka.
Me encantan Lu estos murales, muchas gracias por este post tan elaborado !
ResponderEliminarGracias. Acabo de entrar. Genial! He publicado en mi bloc una entrada hablando de este recurso. Gracias de nuevo.
ResponderEliminarEntrad aquí Educació i les TIC
ResponderEliminarMe llamo Belén González y soy una profe de Lengua interesada en las TIC pero muy inexperta.
Acabo de descubrir glogster porque me lo han recomendado en un curso del INTEf sobre ABP y cuando me dispongo a usarlo resulta que es todo de pago!!Por la red recomiendan smore pero no es tan impactante.Para eso me quedo con google site, que es parecido.
Qué me decís? Hay otra aplicación gratuita y fácil?
Gracias y un saludo.
Las herramientas 2.0 tienen una vida que empieza con la gratuidad y culmina con la opción Premium. Imagino que habrá otras herramientas útiles, por ahora me atrevo a recomandarte
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ResponderEliminarWell if you are facing a fax error 388 then probably the reason is a status telephone line, rather you need to contact your telephone provider to improve the connection. Thereafter you can check and run the fax test. At first from your printer control panel click “fax” and scroll up or down and click “setup”. Now click “Tools” and then click “test fax”, your printer will print and display the test report. Have a look of the report and if it indicates “printer passed the test” then no need to troubleshoot further. This is how you can easily solve the fax error 388
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ResponderEliminarIn the event that you are a client of HP Officejet Pro printer and searching for a source that can give you definitive advances and documents for the setup of HP Officejet Pro printer, mind me , you should visit 123 HP Officejet pro 6970 Setup . This is one step goal to find all the documents and driver applications related to all the HP Officejet Pro printer models. Along with this, we have indicated here a good and easy process for hp printer setup. So for what reason would you say you are stopping? Hit the connection and appreciate top tier printing results.
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ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
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ResponderEliminarQuickBooks Error 1904 software has been developed to help small and medium sized businesses in their accounting work. It helps you in maintaining records, in creating records, generating invoices etc. But few errors sometimes hinder the working of the quickbooks. For instance, error 1904.
ResponderEliminarWhat is Error 1904?
QuickBooks Error code-1904 is an installation error, and it is spotted when your system has some damaged or corrupted file.It may also arise due to improper file location. It is encountered when the required components do not synchronize with each other when the operating system is upgraded.
In this article, I will discuss error 1904 and its causes and symptoms. Later, methods to fix this will also be discussed. All the installation errors can be fixed by some very basic troubleshooting.
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Sometimes there can be a situation when you have to face problem in the printer’s output. Then you must use the
ResponderEliminarEpson printers troubleshooting that is provided by the tech conusltancies or you can use the assistance that is given to you by the customer care team. In addition to this, you can always get an idea to remove the error by watching Youtube vids.
Quickbooks is unable to backup the company file You can create company files, maintain records and generate invoices. For one or the other reasons, you need to have a backup of your company file. But, QuickBooks can sometimes encounter certain errors while creating backups of the company file.
ResponderEliminarThere is the point at which your printer won't print in dark and subsequently make this issue an excess of bother.At such point of time, despite being troubled, you have to research the ink cartridges and ensure you use only real HP cartridges. The full instruction will be seen on your system screen when you enter the link 123.hp.com setup.
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QuickBooks printing problemsPrinting invoices, bills, reports etc which have been created in QuickBooks is one of the most important tasks to be performed. But, sometimes you may face issues in printing in QuickBooks.
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ResponderEliminarQuickBooks Error 1606 happens when QuickBooks is not able to access your network location. And, you encounter this error when you try to install QuickBooks. Occurence of this error hampers your working with the QuickBooks.
ResponderEliminarYou can fix this error by the below-given method:
By installing QuickBooks using a new windows administrator
For this, you first need to create a new window user using admin rights.
Once this is done, you have to install the QuickBooks application.
This basic troubleshooting will help you fix Error 1606. Although, if you still see this error and you are not able to fix it. Then, make a call to QBSsolved at +1(888) 910 1619 and our technical support team will help you in fixing all your errors.
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ResponderEliminarQuickBooks QuickBooks Payroll Error 15215 can be fixed by restarting windows in selective startup. This can be done by selecting ‘Selective startup’ from system configuration utility. Make sure to clear the ‘load startup’ checkbox.
ResponderEliminarThese steps can easily fix error 15125. Feel free to call QBSsolved at +1(888) 910 1619, if you need more help!!
Stuck on payroll error 15215?
This error can occur when:
Many applications are running in the background.
QB or payroll files have been deleted.
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QuickBooks Payroll Error 15242 large number of business owners across the world find QuickBooks very helpful in managing their accounting and Bookkeeping tasks. Despite being an innovative software, it isn’t completely free from glitches and errors. One of the errors that users come across is Payroll update error 15242. This error usually arises when you try to update this accounting software. Existence of this error does not let you install or download payroll updates.
ResponderEliminarWow very useful and precise to information.Thank you for this one.
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QuickBooks Payroll Update Error 15243. But, don’t know how to get it fixed? We will help you in fixing it:
ResponderEliminarFirst let us know the reason for happening of this error:
• Corrupt QuickBooks installation.
• Attack of virus/malware on QuickBooks related file.
Occurence of this error can cause:
• An active window to crash.
• Sluggishly behaving windows.
This error can be fixed by Updating the system driver.Doing this, can also help you in rectifying error 15243. Hence, you should try this tool to fix this error.
Hopefully, your error is now fixed!! In case of further assistance call QBSsolved at +1(888) 910 1619.
Thanks for sharing informative blog,
ResponderEliminarQuickBooks has a great deal of usefulness, when it comes to accounting work. It helps you in generating invoices, making payments, creating reports etc. However, at times QuickBooks can encounter many errors. Error 15276 is one of them. This error appears with a message on screen - “The payroll update did not successfully complete. One of the QuickBooks files to be updated was in use and could not be replaced.
QuickBooks Payroll Error 15276
The Customer's personal information data controller is Netflix International B.V. Please notice that if the User visits www.netflix.com to assist the Customer's protection client and the Netflix Website, the identity of the User will need to be authenticated prior to fulfilling the request of the Customer. In some nations, for purposes such as billing and tax enforcement, Netflix receives a government identification number. The Organization gathers data from other businesses in which the Netflix Client has a partnership ("Partners"). Knowledge from other sources is also accessed by the company. Service Providers: Netflix requires other firms, agents or contractors ('Service Providers') to provide services on behalf of Netflix or to assist www.netflix.com with the provision of services The Netflix Website Client does not allow the Customer, except in connection with the provision of its services, to use or reveal personal details.
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QuickBooks Payroll Error 15241
ResponderEliminarDespite being the most efficient accounting software, QuickBooks may sometimes behave abnormally because of certain errors. These errors obstruct your working with the QuickBooks. Error 15241 is one of such errors which hinder your working with payroll services of QuickBooks. Occurrence of this error stops the QuickBooks desktop to install the updates properly. This error usually appears when the File copy service of QuickBooks is disabled.
As we know, printers have become a must-have in today's era. With an advanced printer, people can handle all their printing needs. Canon is the organisation that provides people worldwide with the best printer service. With canon, users of advanced-quality printers can not only print high-quality copies of their documents and images, but can also scan, fax, and duplex copies. We should also not deny, in addition to all this consistency, the fact that a printer is originally a computer and often a machine falls ill. They quit working, hampering the job. Similarly, one of them is the Canon printer and can cause you problems such as Canon Printer in Error State. A number of people who use Canon printers in their daily work can experience a "Canon Printer in Error State" printer error. They also often seek assistance to address this challenging issue. You need a particular machine as well as printer experience to solve these types of problems. Therefore, if you are unable to address this issue, then it is best to look for the assistance of an expert. You may use the assistance of Canon Support team members to correct this issue at a rapid pace. The professional technicians will definitely assist you to repair the problem. They also make sure that you have not encountered these kinds of problems for a long time.
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Unable to Activate Cash App Card due to image issue? Contact customer care.
ResponderEliminarTo Activate Cash App Card, you have to push on the card tab on the home screen. Nonetheless, if you can't do that, by then you can use the help from the examining districts or you can find support by calling the help gathering and tending to the customer care delegate.
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From time to time you may need to experience the interface glitch that is submitting the blunder of Paypal to Cash App move. To get the issue resolved you can use the assistance of the help center or you can also navigate to the tech consultancies. Despite that, you can in addition use the help that is given by the assistance rep.
QuickBooks Payroll Error 30159 Improper file set up in OS of the system misconfigured system files- these might be the reason why you have been seeing QB error 30159 on your screen. The error can occur on Windows-compatible programs or Windows. Are you new to this field? Want to resolve the damages? Nothing to worry about. We are here to help you. QBSSolved.com is an online platform where you can come with problems and go out happily with the best solutions.
ResponderEliminarerror code C=387can be very disturbing while you work on QuickBooks. Error code 387 is one of them, which can arise due to:
ResponderEliminar• Malware attack or breakdown of firewall.
• Some applications may be corrupt.
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ResponderEliminarQuickBooks Error code= 387 be fixed offers a huge set of services like payroll services, managing reports and records. Such magnificent features help businesses in their accounting and finance works. For such a software which is used on such a large scale by thousands of organizations, it sometimes becomes very hard for QuickBooks to maintain its server all the time. QuickBooks releases its update regularly so that all its users get the best experience. But, it may experience few errors like Error code C=387. This error may be because of a corrupted registry entry, it may also arise due to template issues of invoices.
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Ghosting issue can raise a ton of ruckus and that may likewise prompt Epson Printer in error state circumstance. Accordingly, to manage such a circumstance you can utilize the assistance of client care by dialing the assist group with numbering and looking for help. You can likewise get help by watching tech recordings on Youtube and utilizing the stunts introduced there.
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ResponderEliminarThis seems to be a common problem with the School District in our PNW mailing list, and I thought I would share this here. Recently our Google Cloud Print Printers have been graying out as "Offline for more than a month! We have tested the ports 5222 and XMPP/Jabber is available on our firewall and content filters. It's not a cup of non-tech tea to get those printers back online. To boost the resolution process, you need to uninstall and reinstall the compatible printer driver on your Windows, and then connect it to the Google Account to retry printing via the Cloud Print service. In view of this troubleshooting process, you can go through the details below. Click the page to read the complete article and find the right solution.
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We are technically known as a third-party professional service organization with big years of technical experience and know-how to fix all traditional Canon printer errors. Your canon printers display an offline error when you print a document via your Canon printer. Your Canon printer goes offline throughout the printing process. If you have no answers to this offline issue, our printer experts will easily get your printer back from ofline to online. Our printer technicians are technically qualified to simply solve the dilemma of Cannon printer offline. Our support team is prepared to direct you correctly with any form of printer. Our printer support team is ready to guide you properly for any type of technical issues.
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The reason for the cash app transfer Failed each time may be due to the fact that the updated card in the account has expired or that the card details are incorrect. Therefore, you should always make sure that the card you are using is not expired and that the data is correct.
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Can send an email to apply for Facebook report a problem?
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If You Received Any Suspicious Activity, Get Help From Cash.app/help
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An instant way to send the money from PayPal to cash app
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Here, you may encounter that the Cash app divide is a second and it can't be dropped if all else fails. Along these lines, on the off chance that you delayed down out between the relationship of your bank and Cash app or you get any looming segment status there, by then you need to make any move against it to get a Cash app refund of your bit.
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To interface with Facebook report a problem, you are relied upon to login into your Facebook account. After that, harness on the upper right of the home page of Facebook. As of now go for the assistance and backing area, and further report your solicitation to discover an answer.
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How a user can get Cash.app/help
ResponderEliminarAs a cash app user you may face some issues while you are using the cash app these issues may include unable to access the cash app account, facing issues if you did the wrong payment, unable to receive money from senders, and many more. Users will get all solutions from Cash.app/help page.
Is the Google server down cause of the not working issue?
ResponderEliminarAssuming the Google server down, clearly, you will get Gmail not working issue. Aside from this, this issue likewise produced, in the event that you have introduced wrong augmentations or additional items on your program or you introduced some unacceptable application on your gadget. Thus, when you get this issue, you need to check every one of the things cautiously.
Many students create a misconception about online learning that you can’t interact with the professor if you want to clear your doubts regarding the subject. However, this is not the truth. You can contact them at any time to take assignment experts online to solve all your queries via email, texting, phone calls, or chats. You can’t meet them in real but you can solve your doubts by talking to them virtually.
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ResponderEliminarDoes a cash app protect my account from getting a Cash app hacked?
Many times, people are unaware of the scamming practice and start to make payments to an unknown number. But if your payment has been failing multiple times then it must be done by the cash app itself to protect your account from hacking. If you want to fix this issue then we suggest you contact the cash app support team and ask for a solution to the Cash app hacked account